Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

5 Orang Terkejam Di Dunia

Ingat dengan elizabeth bathory?? dia adalah wanita terkejam sepanjang sejarah yang menghebohkan dunia dengan kasus pembunuhannya yaitu 650 kasus pembunuhan, nah ini di beritaekstrim anda akan diajak untuk semakin mengenal siapa saja orang orang terkejam di dunia?? berhubung artikel ini sangat panjang maka akan di bahas dalam dua part.. mari kita simak part yang pertama ini
Daftar 10 Orang Terkejam sepanjang masa New Versi
Ini lah daftar orang terkejam di dunia yang tidak mempunya keprikemanusiaan dan prikeadilan,bahwa mereka merencanakan sesuatu demi kepribadian sendiri dan tanpa mengetahui nasib orang laen.Dan kami sebagai photografer di seluru dunia mengpoling daftar penjahat terkejam yang membantai seluruh umat manusia lewat majalah publizer dunia,daftar penjahat terkejam itu sebagai berikut ini :
1.Josef Stalin

Helikopter-helikopter Terbesar Di Dunia

Pesawat terbang Anda sudah tahu, burung besi dengan sepasang sayapnya, ekor, dan bodi. Orang menciptakan pesawat terbang memang terinspirasi dari burung. Tapi helikopter, inspirasinya dari mana? Ada yang bilang meniru cara terbangnya capung. Entahlah, yang jelas kalo pesawat biasa kehilangan mesinnya masih bisa dikendalikan layaknya glider tak bermesin - dengan cara yang benar tentunya. Balon udara masih bisa diturunkan jika kehilangan tenaganya, tapi helikopter? Jika mesinnya mati opsi-nya cuma satu: jatuh! Kira-kira orang gila mana yang dulu berani menerbangkan prototipe helikopter? Bukan cuma menerbangkan, mereka juga ternyata bikin mesin terbang ini menjadi monster-monster raksasa di udara.

Dewasa ini helikopter-helikopter ini dibuat semakin besar sesuai dengan kebutuhannya terutama untuk mengangkut logistik perang, kargo udara, dan penanganan bencana.

Desa Tertinggi Di Dunia

Desa unik ini terletak di Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India dan berada pada ketinggian 4200 meter di atas permukaan laut. Penduduk yang memadati Kibber cukup welcome terhadap pengunjung yang memasuki wilayah ini. Kibber dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan bus dari lokasi terdekat Kaza atau dengan menyewa jeep. Desa ini dikenal sebagai lokasi ekspedisi trekking dengan pemandangan-pemandangannya yang khas.

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

7 Rumah Termahal Di Dunia

7. The Manor

Ini dia, residensial paling mahal di Amerika Serikat. Wikipedia menulis rumah seharga US$ 150 Juta ini cukup cantik dan nyaman untuk beristirahat. Lihat saja gambarnya, rumah seluas 56.000 meter persegi ini memiliku 123 kamar dan woow! Ada tempat bermain bowling dan ice skating!

6. The Pinnacle
Rumah seharga U$ 155 juta ini dimiliki oleh Tim Blixseth di Montana. Rumah ini unik karena 2 alasan, yakni memiliki chair lift (kursi layaknya kereta gantung) yang menghubungkan langsung ke ski resort.

Alasan kedua adalah rumah ini memiliki lapangan ski yang luas. Berminat?
5. Franchuk Villa
Rumah ini seharga US$ 161 juta. Memiliki 10 kamar tidur khas Victorian Villa dan kolam renang indoor. Selain itu rumah ini memiliki panic room untuk ngumpet serta tak lupa bioskop!

Rumah ini terletak di London, Inggris dan cukup unik bukan bentuknya?
4. The Hearst Mansion
Rumah ini termasuk jajaran rumah termahal di AS. Seharga U$ 165 juta, rumah ini pernah digunakan untuk film The Godfather dan JFK menghabiskan bulan madunya.

Ada 3 kolam renang ditambah 29 kamar tidur dan tempat khusus berkuda.
3. Fairfield Pond

Rumah ini seharga US$198 juta. Dengan luas 66.000 meter persegi, rumah ini punya lapangan basket dan bowling. Tak lupa pemandian air panas menjadi fasilitas yang akan menyenangkan sang pemilik.
2. Villa Leopolda
Harganya U$ 736 juta! Woww.. Bayangkan loncatan harga yang cukup jauh ketimbang peringkat sebelumnya. Dibuat oleh King Leopold asal Belgia ini terletak di Perancis Riviera.

Rumah ini ditempati oleh milyuner Rusia, Prokhorov yang sempat rugi miliaran US$ karena krisis ekonomi. Rumah ini memiliki 19 kamar tidur dan kabarnya Ia merekrut 50 tukang kebun!
1. Antilla
Ini dia yang ditunggu-tunggu. Rumah seharga US$ 1 miliar!

Berlokasi di Mumbai, Antilla ini membuat kita berfikir apa yang tak mungkin di dalam rumah menjadi mungkin.
Rumah ini memiliki 6 tingkat parkiran mobil, jacuzzi, gym hingga ice skating. Arsitektur yang indah dengan tradisi unik dari India yang biasa disebut Vastu Shastra.
Amat susah menggambarkannya. Sudahlah anda tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana indahnya arsitektur dalam rumah ini.
Rumah ini memiliki 6 tingkat parkiran mobil, jacuzzi, gym hingga ice skating. Arsitektur yang indah dengan tradisi unik dari India yang biasa disebut Vastu Shastra.
Amat susah menggambarkannya. Sudahlah anda tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana indahnya arsitektur dalam rumah ini.
Amat susah menggambarkannya. Sudahlah anda tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana indahnya arsitektur dalam rumah ini.

10 Kendaraan Pasukan Militer Terunik Di Dunia

Biasanya kita cuma sering melihat tank, panser dan juga Armored Personnel Carriers. Berikut adalah 10 daftar dari kendaraan-kendaraan militer unik di dunia yang tidak biasanya kita lihat sehari-hari atau bahkan di media massa.

1. Kendaraan Lapis Baja M60A1-Launched Bridge (AVLB)
AVLB M60A1 digunakan untuk digunakan sebagai jembatan yang dapat berpindah dengan menggunakan sistem scissor. Panjang Maksimal jembatannya adalah 18 meter.

5 Museum Kuliner Paling Unik Di Dunia

Bagi kamu pecinta kuliner tidak harus selalu berburu makanan enak ada kalanya kamu mengunjungi Museum kuliner yang menyimpan berbagai jenis makanan sehinga wawasan kamu bertambah mengenai makanan nah berikut ini ada beberapa museum kuliner unik di berbagai dunia tertarik untuk mengunjunginya simak berikut ini.
  1. Museum Makanan Gosong (Arlington, Mass, AS)Museum yang satu ini telah berdiri sejak 20 tahun silan. The Burnt Food Museum didirikan untuk ‘menghormati’ kegagalan dalam membuat masakan.
Di dalamnya berisi berbagai jenis makanan gosong, mulai dari yang klasik seperti telor gosong hingga koleksi lucu seperti lemon hangu, jeruk keprok keriput hingga kue yang telah menjadi abu.

10 Penampakan Hantu Paling Terkenal Di Dunia

Percaya atau tidak, kisah-kisah hantu kerap bertebaran di sekitar kita. Namun yang tercatat dalam legenda ceritahantu tidak banyak. Berikut ini kami sajikan 10 penampakan hantu paling terkenal di dunia. Kisah hantu ini bukan cerita dongeng, karena memiliki banyak saksi, termasuk yang pernah melihatnya adalah para tokoh-tokoh terkenal di dunia. Sebut saja Winston Churchill, Perdana Menteri Inggris yang terkenal, mengaku bertemu dengan hantu Abraham Lincoln atau Ratu Wilhelmina dari Belanda yang juga mengaku pernah jumpa hantu itu di White House. Salah satu cerita terkenal adalah hantu permaisuri Raja Henry VIII yang tewas dipancung. Hantunya muncul tanpa kepala, atau kepalanya diselipkan di lengannya. Mengerikan.

Berikut ini kisah hantu-hantu itu serta cuplikan sejarah singkatnya. 10 kisah ini dipilih karena paling banyak saksinya.Seperti diketahui, semakin banyak saksi maka kisah ini akan semakin berbobot, dan dipercaya kebenarannya. Jadi, jangan mengira ini hanya cerita imajinasi belaka.

1. Hantu Kate Morgan di Hotel del Coronado

Hotel-hotel Unik di Genting Malaysia

Jika kalian berlibur ke Malaysia, jangan lupa mampir ke Resorts World Genting. Salah satu tempat yang sayang kalau dilewatkan saat kalian berada di Malaysia. Disana kalian dapat menikmati aneka permainan, melihat pemandangan yang indah, mencicipi beraneka ragam kuliner, bahkan bisa mencoba keberuntungan di kasino. Untuk penginapan disana terdapat beberapa hotel yang masih di bawah management Resorts World Genting, yaitu First World, Theme Park, Awana dan Maxims. Tapi yang paling banyak dicari oleh turis adalah First World dan Theme Park hotel. Kelebihan First World hotel adalah banyaknya kamar yang tersedia disana, dengan harga yang termurah, dan juga arena permainan indoor dan kasino berada di lantai bawah dari hotel tersebut.       
First World hotel

7 Kisah Pelarian Dari Penjara yang Menakjubkan

Kabur dari penjara bukan semata rekaan seperti film seri "Prison Break". Kisah nyata cara kabur yang gila-gilaan justru jadi ilham film tersebut dan sejenisnya. 
Tentu, kisah ini tidak bermaksud mengajarkan kita cara kabur dari penjara. Namun, jadi inspirasi, bahwa sekuat apa pun manusia menciptakan "tembok" atau "kerangkeng" tetap ada cara kok membobolnya.

1. The Great Escape
Untuk sebuah perencanaan berikut resikonya, tidak ada yang jauh lebih kompleks daripada pelarian 76 tentara Sekutu dari Stalag Luft III di tahun 1944 (Stalag Luft III adalah sebuah penjara Jerman selama Perang Dunia II).

Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

15 Kota Dengan Suasana Surga dan Neraka di Dunia

Kota-kota Surga:


Singapura adalah kota terbersih di dunia. Kota yang dibangun oleh Sir Thomas Stamford Raffless ini merupakan kota yang sangat strategis dan terletak pada jalur lintas perdagangan antar negara dan antar benua. Kendati hampir seluruh penduduknya adalah kaum pendatang dari seluruh dunia, namun pemerintah Singapura menerapkan disiplin yang amat ketat sehingga kebersihan kota amat terjaga. Kamu tidak akan menemukan puntung rokok, kaleng minuman, sisa permen karet, atau sampah yang bertebaran di kota ini seperti yang banyak kita lihat di kota-kota Indonesia. Hal ini membuat Singapura menjadi salah satu tempat favorit untuk turis dan transaksi bisnis.

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

At a statuesque 5’11”, she already has the advantage of looking more willowy then some of her petite peers.
But Minnie Driver certainly looked like she was living up to her name on Friday, despite her tall frame.
The 42-year-old looked extremely thin as she loaded up on some home essentials in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles.
Running errands: Minnie Driver looked rather drained as she carried a mountain of paper towels while leaving Gelson's in Los Feliz, California
Running errands: Minnie Driver looked rather drained as she carried a mountain of paper towels while leaving Gelson's in Los Feliz, California
Bond is back and he's more dangerous than ever but so is M who is the most ruthless character in Skyfall.
As played by Dame Judi Dench, the security services chief is like a lioness in winter as she prowls her office ordering an agent to 'take the bloody shot', a move that puts Daniel Craig's craggy James Bond in grave danger.
A sinister force from M's past, played with delicious relish by Javier Bardem, has stolen the identities of M's agents.

He's back: Daniel Craig returns as 007 in Skyfall
He's back: Daniel Craig returns as 007 in Skyfall

I didn't fix X Factor, honest! It's the latest scandal to hit the show - a producer 'telling' Louis Walsh to take last weekend's vote to deadlock

For Louis Walsh, it has been the most controversial time in the nine years he has been a judge on ITV1’s X Factor. Last Sunday’s show finished in chaos when Louis refused to nominate which act to send home — the flamboyant Rylan Clark or glamorous Carolynne Poole.
This forced the result to public vote and Rylan was saved to fight another heat, with judge Gary Barlow storming off in protest. There were accusations, strongly denied by Louis, that he had been told by producer Richard Holloway to create a deadlock. Here, Louis opens his diary to reveal what happened . . .
For Louis Walsh, it has been the most controversial time in nine years as judge on ITV1's X Factor when he refused to nominate which act to send home last Sunday
Deadlock: For Louis Walsh, it has been the most controversial time in nine years as judge on ITV1's X Factor when he refused to nominate which act to send home last Sunday

Someone's got a bad temper! The full extent of Gary Barlow's Rylan tantrum on the X Factor is revealed in a backstage video

Viewers watched in shock as Gary Barlow stormed off at the end of X Factor's first live show, but now the full extent of his tantrum has been revealed.
A new video shows the Take That star has he stalks off to his dressing room with a face like thunder following the news that his act, Carolynne Poole, would be going home.
The 30 second clip also shows how the rest of the contestants were also shocked at how Gary, 41, dealt with the situation.

Bad temper: Gary Barlow is seen mouthing off backstage following the results on the first X Factor live show last weekend
Bad temper: Gary Barlow is seen mouthing off backstage following the results on the first X Factor live show last weekend

Trying it for size? Kim Kardashian has a play with Khloe Kardashian's eternity ring

It's looking ever more grimly inevitable, a bit like death, that Kim Kardashian will marry rapper Kanye West in a flurry of furry stilettos and gold suits.
The fires of speculation were stoked again today when the artful Kardashian princess was spotted playing with her younger sister Khloe's impressive diamond and gold eternity ring.
Sack the stylist: Sadly for Kim Kardashian though, that means getting rid of possible future husband, Kanye West
Sack the stylist: Sadly for Kim Kardashian though, that means getting rid of possible future husband, Kanye West who encourages her to dress like this in Miami on Friday

Give us a go! Khloe passed the ring to Kim over lunch at Monty's in South Beach
Give us a go! Khloe passed the ring to Kim over lunch at Monty's in South Beach
Khloe was wearing the beautiful piece of jewellery on her right hand before handing it to Kim so she could have a closer look.
The 27-year-old has been married to Lamar Odom, 32, for two blissful years, which is an eternity in the celebrity world... especially next to sister Kim, 31, cough, 90 days, cough.
But experts and Kardashian watchers think the Kimye union could have more staying power, and the way Kim is eyeing up the keepers ring suggests she does to.
So you get more jewels for staying the course, it's a dream ticket.
Hell for leather: Kim stepped out wearing a very short leather miniskirt paired with a yellow jacket-style shirt Hell for leather: Kim stepped out wearing a very short leather miniskirt paired with a yellow jacket-style shirt
Hell for leather: Kim stepped out wearing a very short leather miniskirt paired with a yellow jacket-style shirt
Life through a lens: Kim is does her thing as the cameras roll, and what was she thinking in that shirt?
Life through a lens: Kim is does her thing as the cameras roll, and what was she thinking in that shirt?

Sisters: Khloe has her knockers, but her style outshone Kim on Friday
Sisters: Khloe has her knockers, but her style outshone Kim on Friday
It's all mine: Khloe wearing her ring
It's all mine: Khloe wearing her ring at the table where the family lunched
The best thing about the thought of a wedding between the pair is the thought of Kim's dress or dresses, which will probably be designed by Kanye.
You only have to look at the mustard bomber jacket and leather mini and heels combination she was wearing in Miami on Thursday to see that the gorgeous wiggle dresses are a thing of the past.
Earlier Kim put style before comfort during a trip to the gym in Miami on Friday.
The reality star was seen leaving after her workout, wearing a trendy leather-sleeved top over her form-fitting workout gear.
Gimme! The girls fuss over the glittering prize
Gimme! The girls fuss over the glittering prize

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Vidic rules out January exit as Juventus and Barcelona target crocked United captain

Staying put: Nemanja Vidic

Nemanja Vidic will not leave Manchester United for Juventus or Barcelona in January, despite renewed talk of the Serbia international leaving Old Trafford.
United's captain Vidic, who missed the last five months of last season through injury, is sidelined for eight weeks following a knee operation.
He is expected to return before the New Year but the 30-year-old's Italian agent Silvano Martina insists the defender is not heading for the exit when the transfer window re-opens for business in January.
'Vidic is not playing at this time because he’s had surgery, so he’s only thinking about his recovery and not about the transfer market,' Martina told itasportpress.it.

Staying put: Nemanja Vidic

Llorente and Lopez top Arsenal hitlist as Wenger concedes he must replace Van Persie in January

Arsene Wenger will open his chequebook to land Robin van Persie’s long-term successor when the transfer window re-opens.
The Arsenal manager has instructed his global network of scouts to start identifying realistic forward targets the club can go for in January. 
And Wenger, together with his backroom team, will hold a series of technical meetings where those players identified will be discussed and formalised into a shortlist.
Wenger has in the region of £35million to splash at the turn of the year and has made a new world-class centre-forward his top priority.
Head boy: Wenger is interested in signing Spain forward Llorente
Head boy: Wenger is interested in signing Spain forward Llorente (left)

Lady first! Kaltenborn makes history after taking helm at Sauber

Monisha Kaltenborn has become Formula One's first female team principal after taking over from Peter Sauber at his eponymous team.
Kaltenborn, 41, already held the role of chief executive officer and will immediately take on the additional responsibilities at this weekend's Korean Grand Prix as 68-year-old Sauber takes a back seat.
The move had appeared on the cards when Sauber transferred a third of the team's equity to Kaltenborn as a 'gift' at the end of 2011.
Taking the reins: Kaltenborn will now head Sauber
Taking the reins: Kaltenborn will now head Sauber

I don't care what Pulis thinks! Unrepentant Suarez blasts back in growing diving row

Luis Suarez has hit back at Tony Pulis in the row over his 'dive' against Stoke, saying he doesn't care what the Potters boss - or anyone else - thinks about his behaviour.
The controversial Uruguay striker has attracted huge criticism for going down the penalty area in the stalemate at Anfield last Sunday.
Pulis branded Suarez an 'embarrassment' while a host of other high-profile figures in the game have queued up to hammer the Reds frontman.
Back home: Luis Suarez (left) in training with the Uruguay squad in Montevideo
Back home: Luis Suarez (left) in training with the Uruguay squad in Montevideo

Lampard back at Chelsea after midfielder loses fitness race for England against San Marino

Frank Lampard is out of England's World Cup qualifier against San Marino after returning to Chelsea for treatment on a knee injury.
Lampard picked up the knock last week but remained hopeful of playing against the minnows at Wembley on Friday night.
Sitting out: Frank Lampard will play no part for England against San Marino
Sitting out: Frank Lampard will play no part for England against San Marino

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Now she even looks like a million dollars! Tamara Ecclestone steps out for a night on the town in a very revealing little black dress

Tamara Ecclestone knows how to pull of the little black dress to a T.
The famous heiress stepped out for a night on the town wearing the tiny fashion item and looking glamourous in it.
Tamara, 28, went out for a meal in the posh Mayfair area in London with friends on Saturday night, and dressed up for the occasion.
Glamour girl: Tamara Ecclestone steps out for a meal in Mayfair sporting a bandeau little black dress
Glamour girl: Tamara Ecclestone steps out for a meal in Mayfair sporting a bandeau little black dress

The friendly exes: Richie Sambora joins his ex-wife Heather Locklear and their daughter Ava as they indulge in some retail therapy

They were married for 12 years and split in 2006, before he embarked on a relationship with her close pal Denise Richards.
But despite their rocky history, it seems that Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora are still very close.
For the Bon Jovi rocker was spotted tagging along as the Melrose Place star, 51, and their daughter Ava, 15, went shopping on Saturday.
The friendly exes: Richie Sambora tagged along as his ex-wife Heather Locklear and their daughter Ava went shopping in Las Vegas on Saturday
The friendly exes: Richie Sambora tagged along as his ex-wife Heather Locklear and their daughter Ava went shopping in Las Vegas on Saturday

'I don't think it's THAT bad': TOWIE's Lucy Mecklenburgh shows off blonde new locks...but fiance Mario Falcone isn't too sure about her makeover

It's not what a girl wants to hear after spending five hours getting her hair dyed.
Brunette Lucy Mecklenburgh, 21, wanted to see if blondes have more fun, but when she showed her new lighter roots to fiance Mario Falcone on Sunday's episode of The Only Way Is Essex, she was less than happy with his response.
He first exclaimed: 'Oh my god,' - with Lucky commenting: 'You're gritting your teeth.'
New do: Brunette Lucy Mecklenburgh dyes her hair blonde, but fiance Mario Falcone isn't too sure about it
New do: Brunette Lucy Mecklenburgh dyes her hair blonde, but fiance Mario Falcone isn't too sure about it

Not her usual style: Jennifer Lopez is a soccer mom after she steps out with her children wearing a Real Madrid top

Jennifer Lopez has scored a brand new look after she was spotted wearing a football top.
The superstar diva ditched her trademark racy gowns for a Real Madrid T-shirt as she left her hotel in the Spanish city.
Lopez, 43, is playing a concert in Madrid, and she seems she's doing her best to make sure she's winning support from the locals.
Soccer mom: Jennifer Lopez shows off a new sporty look after wearing a Real Madrid top in Spain
Soccer mom: Jennifer Lopez shows off a new sporty look after wearing a Real Madrid top in Spain

Soccer mom! Jennie Garth gets passionate watching daughter's game - as she wears giant crucifix embossed on T-shirt

She would be forgiven for taking her eye off the ball as she goes through a painful divorce.
But Jennie Garth was as passionate as ever as she watched her daughter take part in a soccer game in Los Angeles.
In fact, there was a touch of the Martin O'Neill about the 40-year-old as she lost her cool while watching the enthralling match on Saturday.
Channelling her inner Avram Grant: Jennie Garth passed along tips to her daughter Fiona during a soccer game in Los Angeles on Saturday
Channelling her inner Avram Grant: Jennie Garth passed along tips to her daughter Fiona during a soccer game in Los Angeles on Saturday

She's still got it: Jennifer Lopez wows alongside Karl Lagerfeld in see-through dress on German talk show

She's currently on the European leg of her whirlwind world tour, but Jennifer Lopez seems anything but exhausted.
Instead of having a night in, the 43-year-old megastar, who's been tirelessly juggling motherhood with her energetic Dance Again tour, took time out to appear alongside Karl Lagerfeld on a prime time German talk show on Saturday night.
She might have a few days off before her next show in Zurich Wednesday but JLo chose to spend her time promoting her sell-out tour instead of relaxing.
No stopping her: Jennifer Lopez chats to Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld during German talk show Wetten Dass
No stopping her: Jennifer Lopez chats to Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld during German talk show Wetten Dass

Bikini babe Gemma Atkinson shows off her curves and taut stomach as she holidays with boyfriend

She's largely disappeared from the public eye in recent times after previously gracing magazine pages almost daily.
But now former Hollyoaks star Gemma Atkinson has re-emerged, and it seems she's mainly been busy keeping herself in shape.
The model took to the sunny beaches in the Caribbean with boyfriend Liam Richards.
Busty bikini babe: Former Hollyoaks star Gemma Atkinson shows off her beach body as she frolics while on holiday in the Caribbean
Busty bikini babe: Former Hollyoaks star Gemma Atkinson shows off her beach body as she frolics while on holiday in the Caribbean

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

'Little slaves', sordid boasts and the dark truth about my 'friend' Jimmy Savile, by the biographer who tried to unmask him

Over eight years, writer Dan Davies was given unrivalled access to Jimmy Savile and his coterie, but no one dared to unmask the world he found... until now.
I first met Jimmy Savile at his penthouse flat in Leeds in 2004.
After buzzing on the intercom, I was told to wait in the small foyer of Lake View Court, a modern block overlooking Roundhay Park. When the wooden doors of the lift slid open, releasing a cloud of pungent cigar smoke, Jimmy emerged flanked by two large, unsmiling men. ‘Frisk him,’ he barked and I was pinned to the wall and searched for 20 rather uncomfortable seconds.
As I entered his flat he beckoned me through to his kitchen, which  was decorated with tiles of pink and brown – or ‘the colour of sex’ as he put it – before sitting down in his reclining chair to begin regaling me with tales of his poverty-stricken childhood, his friendship with the Royal Family and his curious opinions on the opposite sex. 
'Intriguing subject': Jimmy Savile relaxing at his flat in Leeds, where writer Dan Davies first met him in 2004
'Intriguing subject': Jimmy Savile relaxing at his flat in Leeds, where writer Dan Davies first met him in 2004

'Ashley's infidelity had been putting me at risk': Cheryl Cole admits she had STI check and 'hit' him when she discovered his cheating

It was a situation that Cheryl Cole probably thought she'd never find herself in, but the singer has revealed she went for a sexual health check following her ex-husbands infidelities.
Admitting that the whole experience was traumatic, Cheryl explains her reasons for doing so in her new autobiography, Cheryl: My Story.
In an exclusive look at the upcoming book, The Sun have reported that Cheryl was being 'chased by the paparazzi everywhere' even when she went to the clinic to get herself checked out.
Playing it safe: Cheryl Cole has admitted she had a sexual health check after discovering that her ex-husband Ashley had cheated on her
Playing it safe: Cheryl Cole has admitted she had a sexual health check after discovering that her ex-husband Ashley had cheated on her

Step away from the fake tan! Michelle Keegan shows off super bronzed legs in red dress at fashion show

She never seems to put a foot wrong when it comes to red carpet events, but on Saturday Michelle Keegan stood out because of her bad tan rather than her great dress sense.
The 25-year-old actress arrived at the LOOK magazine fashion show at the Royal Courts of Justice wearing a bit too much fake tan.
As she posed at the annual event, wearing a gorgeous red dress, it was hard to miss Michelle's super bronzed legs.
Fake tan overload! Michelle Keegan shows off her super bronzed legs as she arrives at the LOOK magazine fashion show in London on Saturday The Look fashion show in association
Fake tan overload! Michelle Keegan shows off her super bronzed legs as she arrives at the LOOK magazine fashion show in London on Saturday The Look fashion show in association

Bet he loves her wild side! Nikki Sixx's girlfriend Courtney Bingham whips off her leopard print bikini to sunbathe topless

She is dating one of rock’s finest in the form of Motley Crue legend Nikki Sixx.
So Courtney Bingham was bound to have a wild side.
The stunning blonde hit the beach in Venice, California on Friday, stripping down to a leopard print two-piece.
No wonder he's so smitten: Nikki Sixx's girlfriend Courtney Bingham showed off her fantastic figure on Venice Beach on Friday
No wonder he's so smitten: Nikki Sixx's girlfriend Courtney Bingham showed off her fantastic figure on Venice Beach on Friday

'You show everyone how it is done!' Ella Henderson,16, steals the first live X Factor show with her incredible vocals and unanimous praise from the judges

She might be the youngest person in the competition but after tonight's stellar performance Ella Henderson proved that she is most definitely a strong contender to win.
The Grimsby-born teenager wowed the judges with her spectacular rendition of Take That's Rule The World on the first live show of the 2012 series.
Her mentor Tulisa Contostavlos was full of praise for her young protégé and said: 'You show everyone how it is done,' before adding: 'You nailed it'.

The winner of the X Factor? Ella Henderson wowed the judges and viewers at home with her incredible performance
The winner of the X Factor? Ella Henderson wowed the judges and viewers at home with her incredible performance

Models DO eat! Alessandra Ambrosio tucks into a tasty snack, hours after shooting new Victoria's Secret commercial in multiple outfits

She is one of the most famous models in the world, with an enviably slim figure. 
But Alessandra Ambrosio showed she is only human after all as she tucked into a savoury snack  on Friday.
The 31-year-old beauty strolled through Santa Monica munching on a tasty treat .
Snack time: Alessandra Ambrosio was spotted eating a tasty snack in Santa Monica after filming a new commercial for Victoria's Secret
Snack time: Alessandra Ambrosio was spotted eating a tasty snack in Santa Monica after filming a new commercial for Victoria's Secret